Federation of Egyptian Trade Unions

Full name Federation of Egyptian Trade Unions
Founded 2011
Members unknown - formed out of existing independent Trade Unions
Country Egypt
Affiliation ITUC
Office location Egypt



On 30 January 2011, as part of the 2011 Egyptian protests, a meeting convened in Tahrir square led to the formation of the Federation of Egyptian Trade Unions in response to the effective state control of the Egyptian Trade Union Federation.[1][2]

The founding declaration of the Constitutional Body was issued in the name of the following organisations,[3] as well as various workers’ independent groups in industries:

  • RETA
  • Retired Workers’ Union
  • Health Professionals Union
  • Teachers’ Independent Union


The new federation has been referred to by a number of English names since its inception. This is probably due to the translation from Arabic.

The different names by which the federation is known include:

  • Federation of Egyptian Trade Unions[2].
  • Egypt Federation for Independent Unions[4].
  • Egyptian Federation for Independent Unions[3].
  • Egyptian Independent Trade Union Federation[5].
  • Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions[6].


The first acts of the new federation were to call for a general strike in support of the opposition movement's demands for change, and to publish a list of demands for wage reform, welfare reform, workers rights and the release of opposition detainees. These demands received support from a number of Labour organisations internationally, including the International Trade Union Confederation[7] and the British Trades Union Congress Touchstone Blogger, Owen Tudor[4]. In July 2011, the federation called for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel and the expulsion of Histadrut from the ITUC, [2] which won the backing of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU).[8]


  1. ^ CTUWS
  2. ^ a b TUC
  3. ^ a b Marxist.com
  4. ^ a b Touchstone Blog
  5. ^ Solidarity Magazine
  6. ^ Comment at Workers Liberty
  7. ^ ITUC
  8. ^ [1]